How emotions harm your body – Know the facts
Science has come up with some interesting theories and proof that negative feelings that we experience in our daily lives can have an overall detrimental effect on our own body’s organs. That is right the way you think about a problem now can seriously affect how you feel years or even months down the road. The trick is to put harmful thoughts at ease so that later on we don’t pay for that negative thinking. Such prolonged negative thinking can lead to damage to your organs which in turn can lead to some serious medical conditions. Here are some of the things negative thinking can do to your body.
Shock Can Have Serious Negative Consequences on your heart and Kidneys
While we all may experience shock at
times in our lives the point is we don’t want to stay in a state of
shock as these have serious negative effects on both our heart and
kidneys. Such consequences can lead to heart disease, kidney disease
which in turn can complicate other body functions down the road. Some
examples of extreme shock can be a sudden break up in a long term
relationship, losing a job you had for many years, a sudden unexpected
death of a close friend or family member. If you find yourself still
experiencing a state of shock or unable to shake it off it is a good
idea to seek medical help so that you can move on before having negative
effects on your heart and kidneys.
Fear Weakens The Kidneys
Fear leads to anxiety which can deplete
your kidneys of many things including yin, yang, and qi which is the
basis of many Chinese medications and theories. Such a depletion can
leave your kidneys open to many Chronic and often deadly illnesses if
left untreated. Whenever you feel you are in a fearful or anxious moment
best advice is to write down on a piece of paper what it is you are
most worried about and try to tackle this issue. For example if you are
fearful about a new job you are starting try writing the top ten things
that worry you the most about it. Once you have a clear idea of what it
is that you are fearful of the most try tackling this by laying out a
simple plan you can use to address your concerns. If at any point you
feel stuck or not sure where to go try consulting your family doctor or
even a therapist for help.
Worry Weakens the Stomach
Anyone that is overly worried about any
situation can tell you that they have had stomach upsets including
diarrhea, vomiting, and other chronic medical issues. Scientists have
proven that such negative thinking and obsessive worrying can ruin your
stomach thus leading you prone to many stomach issues including ulcers,
cancers, and other serious Gastro intestinal issues. There are many
treatment plans for obsessive worrying and anxiety including
medications, therapy, and even seeing a psychiatrist. If you find that
you are in a situation where you are constantly over worrying do your
body and stomach a favor and seek medical help.
Sadness or Grief Weakens your Lungs
Extreme sadness and grief can lead to
many chronic problems affecting your lungs including shortness of breath
and fatigue. In addition to these problems there are serious mental
health issues that can arise such as prolonged bouts of crying and
depression. If you or anyone you love is in any sort of prolonged state
of sadness or grief it is recommended they seek professional help before
the condition seriously affects other parts of their body.
Stress Weakens Your Heart and Brain
For years it has been stated that stress
is no good for your state of mind. It has now been documented and proven
that extended amounts of immense stress can seriously weaken your heart
and brain. If left untreated this serious health issue will deplete the
function of these organs and lead to many serious health conditions
including heart attack, strokes, and other mental disorders.

These emotions are stupid, don't understand logic. I am totally agree with the title that these emotions harm our bodies in many ways